Using custom form elements library with JSONForms



In our project, we have our own UI library which we use for building form elements. Our library for creating form elements uses react-final-form library under the hood. We are in such a requirement where JSONForms library could be useful for us (for rendering the form elements based on a JSON schema). But we also need to have the consistency from design point. Could we use our own UI library (which under the hood depends upon or uses react-final-form library) for customising the JSONForms form components ? Is is feasible ?


Hi @Gaurav,

This is a common use case, as we only offer “Vanilla” and “Material UI” as our off the shelf renderer sets. If you want to use an own “component kit”, then you can still reuse @jsonforms/core and @jsonforms/react, @jsonforms/angular or @jsonforms/vue to gain access all of our core functionality, integrated in the rendering framework of choice. See here for a high level overview of the architecture.

I would like to recommend looking at how we implemented our renderer sets and start developing your own set in a similar fashion. Start with a single layout renderer and control renderer and then extend your renderer set until all of your use cases are covered.

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