What is the latest version to use in a react app?

I’m wonder what would be the ideal version of JSONForms to use in a react app? The app is currently in development and is not deployed to production yet.

I see the main page says the current version is v3.0.0, but I’m getting failures in the jsonforms.core.esm.js package, so I’m wondering if there is a better version that includes some bug fixes?

I’m passing a schema, and I’ve verified that it’s not undefined:

But in the browser it’s failing with an error “Uncaught TypeError: schema is undefined” in the jsonforms.core.esm.js:

I have the following under devDependencies:

So I was thinking, that since I am providing a schema, and since this is release v3.0.0, then maybe this issue has been fixed already, so the solution might be to use a newer release? Hopefully it’s that simple… lol


I think what the issue is related to, is that the $ref are unable to be resolved. They are links to a CDN.

What are JsonForms’ ability to resolve $ref URLs? I saw that with v3.0.0 it’s a new feature, but I don’t fully understand what the limitations may be.

Using 3.0.0 or the latest next version for the latest features is usually the way to go.

What are JsonForms’ ability to resolve $ref URLs? I saw that with v3.0.0 it’s a new feature, but I don’t fully understand what the limitations may be.

With JSON Forms 3.0 we no longer support any $ref which points to an external schema. You need to resolve all external references on your own before you hand over the schema to JSON Forms. For this you can for example use json-refs.