Nested List with Details or Nested Array

It is possible to create nested List with Details or Nested Array?
For e.g: We have multiple account group. Each account group have multiple user in it. You can add and delete account group. In each account group, you can also add and delete user.

An account group with multiple users List of details.
Add button to create new account group

Is it possible to display another other fields instead of fullName?

Something like this.

  1. A button to add another duplicate of nested list with details

  1. Or a list with details inside the comment array

Hi @newbieJson,

Conceptually you can nest arbitrary many arrays and “list with details”, although I did not yet nest “list with details” with another “list with details” myself.

To do this you can either explicitly use the options.detail UI Schema option or use the uischemas registry which is a prop on the root JsonForms component.

Thanks for the fast response! Will try it out :smile: