JSON Forms without web browseer


I’m new to JSON Forms and just installed the first some examples (Ubuntu) and I’m impressed by it’s possibility. I already know some cases how I may use it in future.

But now in this moment I’m searching an UI framework that creates an UI with (some limited) inputs based on JSON data. So just like form from the features, but very strictly targeted as desktop application and not running in a browser.

I had an initial look to Electron to run JS apps in a desktop window. Maybe that might be a practical solution. But not sure yet.

So I’ve two (stupid) questions:

  1. Might it be possible to implement/integrate a JSON Forms UI render backend for a desktop framework (e.g. Gtk)?
  2. Implement something similar as JSON Forms with similar/same JSON schema, but just targeting desktop UI frameworks.

Is there something that fits better for me than JSON Forms? Has anybody comments to my ideas or recommendations to search for something else.


Hi @andreas-volz,

Usually when JSON Forms is integrated into a Desktop application then via some kind of Browser environment/widget. There you can use it like in the web context.

If you want native rendering and you’re able to execute Javascript then you could run @jsonforms/core to at least reuse the core utils of JSON Forms.

However if that’s out of the question or it’s a larger overhead to do so you’ll have to reimplement everything from scratch. In that case I would like to suggest to just take a look at the JSON Forms architecture, evaluate how well this fits to your frameworks / use cases and then just go ahead. To be fair, in the end it’s just a form renderer for a data description standard and not rocket science :wink:

Hi @sdirix,

thanks for your answer. I think meanwhile that I better implement an own form renderer based on my JSON data. Maybe I make it similar to JSON Forms as the format is easy to read. But the Browser/Javascript overhead is to big for my use case.
