Hello, there is an example on how to use jsonforms with vanilla js?

[original thread by seu madruga]

You can take a look at our React seed. There you can import the vanillaRenderers and vanillaCells from @jsonforms/vanilla-renderers and pass them to JsonForms instead of the materialRenderers and materialCells.

Sadly this example still uses import { JsonForms } from '@jsonforms/react';

Which is not vanilla js…

As I can read from the code, even vanilla controls use React, so there is no way around react.

It might be possible to write a real vanilla js renderer for tiddlywiki, but without enough tutorial on this, it is very hard. Still, thanks for making this library and make it modular.

Hi @linonetwo,

At the moment we only offer binding for React, Vue2/3 and Angular. There is no ‘Vanilla’ binding available. Initially we only offered React which is why the vanilla renderers were implicitly refering to React, today we would call it react-vanilla.

If you need a Vanilla binding you will need to implement it yourself but you can reuse @jsonforms/core. Still there are many things you need to handle manually then, the advantage of using React, Vue or Angular is that one can use their state management and (re)rendering systems.