DropDown value in JsonForms

How to generate DropDown values in JSONForms 2.4.0…

[original thread by Fioyesuraj]


I have used code to generate dropdown values like “this.jsonFormService.updateCore(Action.update(“enuType”,()=>null));”

Hi @fioyesuraj(fioyesuraj), is this already the solution? Can you provide a little more context? I don’t fully grasp what you what to do and what the issue is


Hi i have updated the jsonForms to 2.4.0 from 2.3.0…While using 2.3.0 the drop down render working fine and validation is also working fine…When i updated the 2.4.0 the dropdown render fine but the validation happen before click the submit button …

We updated from Angular 7 to Angular 9 in between 2.3.0 and 2.4.0 so maybe some functionality changed there, although I don’t think validation should be affected. But if you like more control about the validation approach in JSON Forms you can use the new validation modes with which you can turn off validation until the user clicks “submit”. You can use them with the beta version of the next release 2.4.1-beta.0.