DatePicker not rendering


I just started using JSONForms and followed the tutorial and updated the pacakge [@jsonforms/core, @jsonforms/examples, @jsonforms/material-renderers, @jsonforms/react] to “3.0.0-rc.0”.

This is my package.json

I can reproduce the problem in the React seed. We have to investigate and fix that.

Edit: Created issue: Date pickers not rendered with "3.0.0-rc.0" · Issue #1998 · eclipsesource/jsonforms · GitHub


Can i check is this issue fixed?

I’m still unable to see Date Picker field

Hi @newbieJson,

Did you try with Version 3.0.0-rc.1? We now no longer use @mui/lab but only require @mui/x-date-pickers. You need to adjust your dependencies accordingly.