Advice for a Beginner to JsonForms and Angular

Good morning,

I am accessing Angular and JsonForms as a potential solution to a frontend development for a CosmosDB and a .Net API backend. JsonForms looks ideal, given that we expect our schemas to evolve over time as we develop the NoSql database.

However, I must ask for your patience with a beginner to Angular and JSONForms, who needs guidance.

I have downloaded and run the Angular seed app from Github; everything runs perfectly, I can add, amend and delete items. My next step was to change the data, schema and uischema to a simple version of one of my NoSQL documents. Nothing fancy, just nine plain string fields.

However, I can no longer amend, delete to add items. I have scoured the code for a clue as to what alterations to the code I need to make, but to no avail. What am I missing?

I have read about an OnChange function, but the original code did not have one.

Your guidance would be much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.


I have found the problem.

All to do with the data schema. I had added my own document “opportunity” schema but forgot to create an object of an array “opportunities”; similar to the provided schema which has an object array of “orders” for all the “order”.

Hi @michaelscott, thanks for the update! Let us know if you have any further questions.

Thank you Stefan. It is much appreciated.

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