Textbox UI layout

I am looking out for a textbox layout in the UI. Right now everything is like a text[just a line layout]. Is there something like a textbox with the boundaries to add description to the field. Please help me out here to achieve this.

[original thread by Narayan2627]

Hi @narayan2627(narayan2627), I’m not sure what you mean. We support multi-line inputs via the ui schema options if that is what you want, e.g.

    type: 'Control',
    scope: '#/properties/mystringprop',
    options: { multi: true }

There is also a way to restrict the input’s length via maxLength: , in the JSON Schema:

    type: 'string',
    maxLength: 10

Let me know if you have further questions.



Thanks for the reply Stefan. Yes this is 50% what I am looking for. And the other 50% is the UI. Do we have a way to implement something like in the attached Image. Or should we do that using custom render?


I am looking to implement a box instead line for multi line text. Any Ideas?

I see. For the text box to display more than one line it seems that you have to set Material-UI’s rows property accordingly. This is currently only possible with a custom renderer. I think your custom renderer could be very simple and just reuse the existing MaterialTextControl and set the additional prop accordingly. If you like to contribute I think it would also make sense to being able to set the row property via the ui schema options, so no custom renderer would be needed.


Sure thanks for the reply. Will try to implement and will get back to you with a result.