Problem: No control description with arrays

I try to use json-forms and i use the array component. The problem is that in the array’s input field no “description” is shown. Also I tried without success to use the “label” attribute. (both the description and the label are specified in the schema.json). Is there any solution to my issue?

[original thread by boroboro77]

Hi @boroboro(boroboro), at the moment we don’t render the description anywhere in the table. If you don’t need the table itself, then you could try the alternative GENERATED detail to render arrays in a non-table format.

We would look at a contribution which adds the descriptions to the table, for example in the header cells or as a tooltip.




Thank you for your message. Ok i will try to find a solution. Unfortunately i am a beginner with react and its components.


is there no easy way to change the source code, such that the control field in an array shows the description as an ordinary control field?

Well yes this can be done of course. To do this you’ll have to implement a custom table renderer. You could just copy the existing MaterialTableControl and add the description in the contained NonEmptyCell.

However for a general solution in JSON Forms I would prefer my original suggestion of adding the descriptions into the header to avoid the redundancy in each cell.