How to re-inizalize a complex json form

I have a strange behaviour in a situation with a very dynamic JSONForm used in a GLSP diagram

The user can select different diagram elements in GLSP Diagram. Each element shows different form content. On the selection event within my diagram panel I refresh the form panel by calling the render method and updating the schema and data:

    onChange={({ errors, data }) => this.setState({ data })}

This works all fine.

Peek 2023-02-19 23-23

But the problem is, that depending on the selected element, the form schema can change completely. This causes a Warning on the JavaScript console, because some of the data fields have now changed:

2023-02-19T22:23:16.620Z root WARN No applicable cell found. {
  type: 'Control',
  scope: '#/properties/conditions',
  label: 'Conditions',
  options: { detail: { type: 'VerticalLayout', elements: [Array] } }
} {
  type: 'object',
  properties: {
    name: { type: 'string' },
    documentation: { type: 'string', description: 'Task description.' }

The user must now ‘re-initalize’ the form by clicking on the first Tab (Category) in my multi-category form.

I figured out, that when I simulate a click event on the first category (li-Tag), after the selection has changed, the warning can be avoided.

My additional code to simulate the click looks like this:

   const subCategories = this.bodyDiv.querySelector('ul.category-subcategories');
   if (subCategories) {
     const firstCategory = subCategories.querySelector('li');
     if (firstCategory) {
        // dispatch click event...
        const event = new MouseEvent('click', {
            bubbles: true,
            cancelable: true,
            view: window

But also this does not highlight the first section, but at least the warning is gone and the first category is visible (but not high-lighted).

My question is: In case, I need to re-render the JSONForm content by calling


is there a way to ‘re-initalize’ the form?

Sorry, the problem is hard to explain :wink:

Hi @rsoika!

There seems to be a renderer with local state involved which does not properly reset its state when necessary. I had a quick look, it seems that our CategorizationRenderer does not properly check for the case where the UI Schema changes but returns an older categorization. I created a issue in the repo.

You can use React’s key mechanism to force a new component being created, e.g.

    onChange={({ errors, data }) => this.setState({ data })}

You basically always hand over a new key whenever your selected element changes. By this a completely new form will be rendered each time, thereby fixing any issues were local state is not properly updated to the environment.

Thanks! Setting the id did the trick.
Sometimes things are so easy to solve - if you just know how :wink: