How to prevent validate require when the first time render initial data form?

I need some problems but I haven’t solutions yet. When I go to my page for the first time, the fields are validated and show it. So, how do prevent validation required when the first time render initial data is formed?

Hi @hoaiphong99,

We support validationModes, with which you can hide errors visually if you want to. Typical use case is to hide all errors until the user clicks submit, then show them afterwards. See here for the docs.

Hi @sdirix,
how do I validate inline when entering a value into an input that doesn’t need to click to submit button?

Hi @hoaiphong99,

Any change within JSON Forms is validated by default, however this is not done locally at the input level but form-wide on the whole data object and will also be emitted by JSON Forms.

So using the validation mode ValidateAndShow (which is the default) or ValidateAndHide JSON Forms will emit the errors and you can react to them however you like.