Custom Label Not Rendering

Hi! Im trying to replace the labels from my froms by using data from a language.json but its not working at all.
This is my language.json:

  "default": {
    "sectionIcon": "Section Icon",
    "version": "Version",
    "bodyBackground": "Body Background",
    "title": "Title"
  "es": {
    "sectionIcon": "Icon de Sección",
    "version": "Versión",
    "bodyBackground": "Color de Fondo",
    "title": "Título"
  "en": {
    "sectionIcon": "Section Icon",
    "version": "Version",
    "bodyBackground": "Body Background",
    "title": "Title"

Few things to keep in mind. Im using this config.json for the data:

  "app": {
    "sectionIcon": "fa-solid fa-home",
    "version": "1.0.0"
  "ui": {
    "sectionIcon": "fa-solid fa-paintbrush",
    "bodyBackground": "#0db2e0"
  "resources": {
    "sectionIcon": "fa-solid fa-layer-group",
    "title": "MyTitle"

And im using this function to generate the corresponding uiSchema:

  const generateUiSchema = (config, languages, selectedLang) => {
    const createUiSchema = (obj, title) => {
      if (typeof obj !== 'object' || obj === null) {
        const label = languages?.[selectedLang]?.[title] || languages?.default?.[title] || title;
        return { type: 'Control', scope: `#/properties/${label}`, label };
      const elements = [];
      Object.keys(obj).forEach(key => {
        if (key !== 'sectionIcon') {
          const label = languages?.[selectedLang]?.[key] || languages?.default?.[key];

          if (typeof obj[key] === 'object' && obj[key] !== null) {
              type: 'Group',
              label: label,
              elements: [createUiSchema(obj[key], label)]
          } else {
              type: 'Control',
              scope: `#/properties/${label}`,
              options: { label: label }
      return { type: 'VerticalLayout', elements };
    return createUiSchema(config, 'root');

This is how i render the forms:

  onChange={({ data: updatedData }) => {
    setData(prevData => {
      const newData = {
        [selectedSection]: updatedData
      localStorage.setItem('formData', JSON.stringify(newData));
      return newData;

Notice that im rendering the selected section, whitch is one the main objects of my config.json (app, ui, resources…)

Hi @afcirillo96,

Can you elaborate a bit on what is not working? And are you aware of our i18n support which you could also use?