Conditional selection JsonPath when data not present

Hi All
Being a newbie to JSON i have the following question:
Is it possible to get this result:(Zie attachment)

With this input where values from another parth of the path are used when the current data are nor available:

“Company”: “XYZ”,
“HeadOffice”: “Amsterdam”,
“Address”: {
“Street”: “KingsRoad 12”,
“Zipcode”: “1234 AA”,
“City”: “Amsterdam”
“Contact”: [
“Name”: “Jan Janssen”,
“Type”: “First”
“Name”: “Sandra Peters”,
“Type”: “Second”
“Branches”: [
“Region”: “South”,
“Contact”: [
“Name”: “John Doe”,
“Type”: “Second”
“Region”: “North”,

I hope my question is clear.

Thanks in advance

Huub Keulartz

Hi @huub100759,

This is not possible out of the box with JSON Forms.

You can of course implement a custom renderer which queries and displays data in any form you like. However, if in the end you are not building a JSON Schema based form, but rather a generic table, then JSON Forms is not the best fit for your use case.

Hi Stefan

i was afraid of that allready.
Thank you anyway.!
