CustomArrayLayoutRenderer import files out of tree

I have created a custom ArrayLayoutRenderer.vue and things seem to work ok
(if I comment ValidationIcon and ValidationBadge out )
except one issue

It uses the components


I have been trying to import these into my custom vue (Out of tree) component but having no luck.

I have tried
import { ValidationIcon, ValidationBadge } from ‘@jsonforms/vue2-vuetify/’;

which gives

import { ValidationIcon, ValidationBadge } from ‘@jsonforms/vue2-vuetify/controls/components/’;

import { ValidationIcon, ValidationBadge } from ‘@jsonforms/vue2-vuetify/controls/components/’;

which gives

Cannot find module ‘@jsonforms/vue2-vuetify/controls/components/’ or its corresponding type declarations.

Any idea how I could import these ?

Hi @glennpierce,

At the moment these two components are not exported so they can’t be imported. Feel free to open an issue against the repository and/or contribute a fix.

Until they are available you could copy them into your code base and use them from there.